May 10, 2024, 08:55 PM IST

What is a friendship marriage?

Mahipal Chouhan

Platonic Partnership: Legal spouses without romantic or sexual expectations, focusing on companionship and shared interests rather than romance.

Shared Values and Interests: Couples united by common values and hobbies, emphasizing companionship over romantic love.

Alternative to Traditional Marriage: Appeals to youth seeking companionship without societal pressures of romance and sex.

Legal Recognition: Legally recognized partnerships allowing cohabitation, joint decision-making, and child-rearing through methods like artificial insemination.

Roommate-Like Dynamics: Similar to finding a compatible roommate, prioritizing shared activities and communication over romantic affection.

Non-Romantic Meeting Process: Individuals meet and spend time to understand each other before committing to the partnership.

Practical Arrangements: Couples discuss and decide on practical matters like finances and chores for a harmonious living environment.

Demographic Trends: Popular among individuals around 32.5 years old, with above-average incomes, and among asexual, homosexual, and heterosexual individuals.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports