Apr 16, 2024, 11:18 AM IST

Know why Mughal king Babur ruled for only 4 years?

Shivam Verma

Babur ruled India for approximately four years, from 1526 to 1530, after his victory in the Battle of Panipat against Ibrahim Lodi.

His reign was marked by significant challenges, including rebellions and resistance from local rulers opposed to Mughal rule.

Babur's health issues during his later years further weakened his ability to govern effectively.

He faced conflicts and had to divert his attention to Central Asian affairs, particularly with the Uzbeks, which hindered his focus on India.

Despite these challenges, Babur introduced administrative reforms aimed at stabilising his rule and promoting cultural exchanges.

Babur's memoir, the "Baburnama," provides valuable insights into the political and social dynamics of his time. Babur's successors later expanded the empire's influence.