Apr 16, 2024, 10:18 PM IST

Animals that can live without drinking water

Pavan Naidu


Camels are known for their ability to survive longer periods without water. They store fat in their humps (not water) which enables them to survive longer without water.

Thorny Devil

Native to Australia, the thorny devil has a remarkable adaptation for obtaining water. Its skin is covered in tiny grooves that channel water droplets towards its mouth.

Fennec Fox

Fennec fox has adapted to its arid habitat by obtaining water from its food, such as plants and insects. Its kidneys are highly efficient in conserving water.

Desert Tortoise

The desert tortoise can survive in arid environments by obtaining water from the vegetation it consumes. 

Water-Holding Frog

Native to Australia, the water-holding frog has a unique adaptation for storing water in its body tissues. During dry climate, it burrows underground and use this stored water to survive.

Sand Gazelle 

The sand gazelle is adapted to arid environment by obtaining moisture from the plants it consumes. Moreover, its efficient kidneys help minimize water loss, allowing it to survive in the harsh desert conditions.

Kangaroo Rat

These small rodent can survive solely on the water produced through metabolic processes, enabling it to survive in the desert regions.