Apr 30, 2024, 11:39 AM IST

7 animals with unique tails

Shivam Verma

Known for its ability to change colour, the chameleon also has a prehensile tail that helps it grip branches as it moves through trees.

The male peacock has a stunning tail adorned with iridescent feathers, which it uses to attract mates during courtship displays.

Seahorses have a distinctive prehensile tail that they use to grasp onto seagrasses and coral as they navigate the ocean currents.

Scorpions have a segmented tail that ends in a venomous stinger, which they use for defence and hunting prey.

Kangaroos have a powerful, muscular tail that helps them balance while hopping, and they can also use it as a support when sitting upright.

Cheetahs have a long, slender tail that acts as a rudder while they sprint at high speeds, helping them maintain balance and control.

Beavers have a flat, paddle-shaped tail that they use as a rudder while swimming and as a tool for building dams and lodges.