May 17, 2024, 07:33 AM IST

7 animals who break trust

Ritik Raj

Saltwater Crocodiles: these ferociously protective creatures have attacked humans several times, often resulting in their deaths.

African elephants: are normally peaceful animals, but they can become violent if they sense danger. 

Mosquitoes: They can spread dangerous diseases like dengue, zika, and malaria, which claim millions of lives each year.

Polar bears: Due to their size and strength, polar bears can be extremely dangerous, and on rare occasions, they have been known to attack humans.

Box Jellyfish: Humans' cardiovascular systems can quickly and severely collapse due to the extremely deadly venom of box jellyfish.

Poison Dart Frogs: Despite their diminutive size, poison dart frogs can be fatal or paralysing because of their potent toxins.

Africanized honey bees: also known as killer bees, are notorious for their intense aggression and large-scale, persistent attacks.