May 17, 2024, 06:41 PM IST

10 animals with stickiest skin

Mahipal Chouhan

Tree Frogs: Many species of tree frogs, such as the red-eyed tree frog, have specialized toe pads with sticky mucous that help them cling to vertical surfaces and leaves.

Geckos: Geckos, especially species like the tokay gecko, have highly specialized toe pads with microscopic hair-like structures called setae, which allow them to stick to and climb smooth surfaces.

Bar-headed Goose: Distinctive black and white striped head, migrates to northern Indian wetlands from Central Asia.

Sea Cucumbers: Some species can expel sticky threads called Cuvierian tubules when threatened, which entangle and immobilize predators.

Marine Flatworms: Certain marine flatworms produce a sticky mucus on their skin that helps them adhere to surfaces and can also be used to trap small prey.

Snails and Slugs: These mollusks secrete a sticky mucus to aid in movement and adhesion to various surfaces, preventing them from falling off even vertical or inverted surfaces.

Rosy Starling: Pink and black plumage, breeds in Central Asia, summers in Indian grasslands and urban areas.

Octopuses: Octopuses have suction cups on their tentacles that create a strong adhesive force, allowing them to grasp objects and surfaces firmly.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports