Apr 18, 2024, 12:01 PM IST

Plants to beat the heat and cool your home naturally

Deepika Shakya

Here are plants offer natural ways to beat the heat and cool your home.

Aloe vera plants release moisture into the air, acting as natural humidifiers and helping to cool indoor spaces.

Aloe Vera

Snake plants are known for their air-purifying properties and ability to release oxygen at night

Snake Plant

Areca palms are effective at removing toxins from the air and releasing moisture, making them ideal for humidifying and cooling indoor spaces.

Areca Palm

Spider plants are easy to care for and are excellent at purifying the air, promoting better air circulation and a cooler atmosphere indoors.

Spider Plant

Peace lilies are known for their ability to absorb excess moisture from the air, helping to regulate humidity levels

Peace Lily

Boston ferns are lush, green plants that thrive in humid conditions and can help cool indoor spaces

Boston Fern

By incorporating these plants into your home environment, you can enjoy fresher, cooler air while promoting a healthier and more comfortable living space.