Apr 18, 2024, 12:39 PM IST

Benefits and drawbacks of using dry shampoo

Deepika Shakya

Benefits of using dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is quick and easy to use, making it convenient for freshening up your hair between washes.


Dry shampoo helps absorb excess oil and making hair appear less greasy

Oil Absorption

Dry shampoo can add volume and texture to limp or flat hair, giving it a refreshed and voluminous look.

Volume and Texture

Drawbacks of Using Dry Shampoo

Using dry shampoo too frequently can lead to residue buildup on the scalp and hair, which may cause itchiness or irritation.

Residue Buildup

 It can absorb oil and refresh hair temporarily, it does not cleanse the scalp or remove product buildup effectively.

Temporary Fix

 Some dry shampoos contain alcohol or other drying agents that can strip natural oils from the scalp and hair, leading to dryness

Drying Effect

It should be used in moderation and supplemented with regular hair washing for optimal scalp health and hygiene.