Apr 27, 2024, 06:24 PM IST

8 probiotic foods for gut health

Ritik Raj

Yoghurt: This dairy product is a well-known source of probiotics, which can aid digestion and restore the gut microbiome.

Buttermilk: The liquid that remains after churning butter from cream is a dairy product. Probiotics found in traditional buttermilk may be advantageous for gut health.

Pickles: Pickles that are naturally fermented and made without vinegar are a good source of beneficial bacteria. Selecting pickles that are fermented in brine as opposed to those made with vinegar is crucial.

Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage is used to make sauerkraut, a food high in lactic acid bacteria that can help with digestion and support a healthy gut environment.

Kimchi: Fermented veggies like radishes and cabbage are used to make this hot Korean dish. It has probiotic strains in it that can aid with gut health.

Kombucha: This fermented, fizzy tea beverage has a range of probiotic bacteria and yeast that help maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Miso: Fermented soybeans, salt, and koji are the ingredients of this traditional Japanese seasoning. It contains probiotics that can be good for your gut health and is frequently used in soups.

Kefir: Packed full of good bacteria and yeast, this fermented milk beverage can help keep your gut healthy. 

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.