Apr 16, 2024, 11:45 AM IST

7 snacks that won't increase your cholesterol

Deepika Shakya

Here are 7 snacks that won't increase your cholesterol levels

A handful of mixed nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews can provide healthy fats that are good for your heart without raising your cholesterol.

Mixed Nuts

Greek yogurt is low in cholesterol and high in protein.

Greek Yogurt with Berries

Crunchy carrot sticks paired with hummus make for a satisfying snack. Hummus is made from chickpeas and olive oil, both of which are heart-healthy ingredients.

Carrot Sticks with Hummus

Skip the butter and opt for air-popped popcorn seasoned with herbs or spices.

Air-Popped Popcorn

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which can help lower bad cholesterol levels.

Avocado Toast

Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat contain soluble fiber that helps lower bad cholesterol levels

Whole Grains

A bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruit like bananas or apples is a filling and heart-healthy snack.

Oatmeal with Fruit

This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.