Apr 30, 2024, 09:36 PM IST

7 signs you are mentally strong

Prashant Tamta

Mental strength is often considered by both what we do and by what we don’t do.

Mentally strong people don't do things like waste time feeling sorry for themselves. Check 7 signs of mentally strong people:

Control over emotions: Managing your emotions shows high emotional intelligence.

Acceptance of vulnerability: Mentally strong people see vulnerability as an opportunity for personal growth.

Realistic optimist: They look on the bright side, but don't allow their optimistic tendencies to blind them to reality.

Adapting to change: People with mental strength show an ability to adapt to inevitable changes.

Learning from mistakes: Mentally strong people don't hide or excuse their mistakes. They learn from them.

Comfortable living with your values: Such people understand their priorities and live according to their values.

Self-worth depends on who you are: Mentally strong people feel good about themselves, whether they win or lose.