Mar 29, 2024, 04:17 PM IST

5 health benefits of eating makhana (fox nuts)

Pavan Naidu

Makhana, also known as fox nuts, is a nutritious snack that offers several health benefits.

Here are some of the benefits of including makhana in your diet.

Rich in Antioxidants:Makhana is packed with antioxidants that help combat free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Weight loss: Despite being low in calories, makhana is high in fiber, making it a great snack for weight loss. The fiber content keeps you full for longer hours, curbing unnecessary cravings.

Improves Digestion: The soluble fiber in makhana aids digestion by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut. It helps prevent constipation and promotes a healthy digestive system.

Strengthens Immunity: The presence of essential minerals like zinc and iron in makhana helps boost the immune system, making your body more to infections and illnesses.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Promotes Heart Health: Makhana is a heart-friendly snack as it is low in cholesterol and saturated fats. The magnesium content helps regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart diseases.