Apr 17, 2024, 09:24 PM IST

6 Japanese techniques to stop overthinking

Prashant Tamta

Many people are facing problems like overthinking these days. It acts as a hurdle while sleeping at night.

Regular exercise and meditation help you reflect on your thoughts and reduces overthinking.

Besides, some Japanese techniques can also help stop overthinking. Check here:

Ikigai: It means to have a purpose in life, so you won't feel lazy or unmotivated.

Kaizen: Stop thinking about big change and embrace the 'small steps'.

Shoshin: It is a curious approach to everything with beginner's mindset.

Hats Hachi Bu: This means leaving things 80% done and embracing beauty of the 'almost-there'.

Wabi-sabi: This means instead of perfection, one should find beauty in flaws or imperfection.

Shinrin-yoku: It means forest bath. Hence, one should spend more time in nature to reduce overthinking and stress.