May 17, 2024, 06:14 AM IST

9 times Aishwarya Rai inspired us with powerful messages

Manisha Chauhan

 “I have a great story to tell and I tell it well. No holds barred.”

“Despite being in showbiz, I have a very real approach to my life. It plays off with my social life.”

“I know for a fact that if there’s a role which I am suited for, I’ll be signed on. I’ll never go begging.”

“I always knew I would be successful. So there was no element of surprise.”

“I always believed that my silence on several topics will be an advantage in the long run.”

 “Life will take its toll on all of us. We get injured, we get old. It’s really sad to try to run away from these harsh realities of life. Looks are not everything. I am not going to look beautiful all the time.”

 “I don’t believe in proving a point to anybody. Nobody is that important.”

“Right now, I’m following the Buddhist principle: Smile as abuse is hurled your way and this too shall pass.”

 “Haters are a drop in the ocean. Theres that much more love.”