Apr 24, 2024, 08:40 PM IST

Birds that cannot fly

Ritik Raj

Many birds around the world have adapted to live without the ability to fly. 

Let's take a look at six such birds

Penguins: are flightless birds that have adapted to living in water using their wings as flippers for swimming.

The ostrich: the largest bird in the world, uses its powerful legs to run at speeds of up to 70 km per hour.

Emus: are known for their long legs and powerful running abilities, making them the second-largest bird in the world, and are native to Australia.

Kiwis: are small, nocturnal birds that are easily recognizable due to their distinctive long beaks and strong sense of smell. They are native to New Zealand.

Cassowaries; are large, flightless birds that are found in the tropical forests of New Guinea and nearby islands.

Rhea: resembling ostriches but smaller, are flightless birds native to South America.