Signing several pacts and re-launching the CEOs’ forum will be among the highlights of the visit of South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma, who arrives in Mumbai tomorrow on a four-day visit.


Zuma, 68, who will hold "substantive" talks with prime minister Manmohan Singh here on Friday, will be accompanied by senior cabinet members and a large business delegation, comprising nearly 200 CEOs and businessmen, underlining the focus of the visit.

"Zuma will have delegation-level talks with the prime minister, where they are likely to cover all issues of bilateral and international interest. A number of agreements will be signed," external affairs ministry spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said.

The CEOs’ forum, comprising business bigwigs from both sides, will be headed by Tata Group chairman Ratan Tata and Patrice Motsepem, executive chairman of African Rainbow Minerals, he said.

Zuma and Singh are also expected to discuss the possibility of expansion of the United Nations Security Council. Both India and South Africa are candidates for the non-permanent Security Council seat for 2011-2012. They are also in the race for permanent seats on the council.

In a bid to give a fresh impetus to economic ties between the countries, Zuma will interact with the business captains of both India and South Africa and discuss ways to enhance trade partnership.

Bilateral trade has multiplied manifold over the last decade. From US $2.5 billion in 2002, it rose to $7.5 billion in 2008-09.

"What is even more significant is that in 2009-10, while we are still compiling the figures, in the first 10 months the trade touched $6.4 billion and will, perhaps, exceed $7.5 billion," Prakash said.

Both countries are also discussing a preferential trade agreement (PTA), he said. “We are also negotiating a bilateral investment and promotion agreement to boost our economic relationship,” Prakash said.

Noting that both India and South Africa are members of important international groups like the IBSA, BASIC, and G-20, Prakash said their relations are "wide-ranging and mutually beneficial".

Asked about cooperation in the field of nuclear energy, Gurjit Singh, joint secretary (East and South Africa) said it was up to the companies of both countries. How the discussions shape up cannot be predicted, he said.

Pretoria is hamstrung by the Treaty of Pelindaba, which prohibits African nations from nuclear commerce with countries that have not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.