LAHORE: An 18th century Sikh shrine, situated in the heart of Lahore, has been taken over by a group of hooligans. Local Sikhs are not being allowed to come near their place of worship, and the state of affairs has created an uproar at Naulakha Bazaar, the shrine’s site.

Moreover, the calligraphy and Sikh motifs painted on the shrine’s walls have been replaced by Islamic iconography.

The shrine houses the remains of Bhai Taro Singh who was known to be a patron of the poor. He died in 1745, harassed by a local ruler. The shrine built in his honour is now in the custody of the Evacuee Trust Property Board, listed as alien property.

No action has been taken so far by the government. The chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Asma Jehangir, said: “It is not the first time that something illegal has happened under the government’s nose. Under no law can anyone just ‘take over’ some building, temple, or shrine.” Turn to back page, p18