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(All times GMT/ET)


U.S. lawmaker Scalise in critical condition after attack by gunman at baseball field

ALEXANDRIA - Congressman Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, is in critical condition after he and three others were shot as they practiced for a charity baseball game. (VIRGINIA-SHOOTING/ (REPEAT, UPDATE 13, PIX, TV), moved, by Sarah N. Lynch and Ross Colvin, 1080 words)

- VIRGINIA-SHOOTING/GUNMAN (UPDATE 3, TV, PIX, GRAPHIC), moving shortly, by Sue Britt, 700 words

- VIRGINIA-SHOOTING/SCALISE, moved, by Dustin Volz, 397 words

- VIRGINIA-SHOOTING/GUNS (UPDATE 1), moved, by Richard Cowan, 781 words

Fire engulfs London tower block, at least 12 dead, dozens injured

LONDON - Blaze engulfs 24-story housing block in central London, trapping residents as they sleep and killing at least 12 people in inferno that fire brigade says is unprecedented in its scale and speed. (BRITAIN-FIRE/ (UPDATE 11, PIX, TV, GRAPHIC), moved, by Kylie MacLellan and Toby Melville, 835 words)

- BRITAIN-FIRE/CLADDING (PIX, TV, GRAPHIC) By Tom Bergin, moved, 700 words moved

Trump under investigation for possible obstruction of justice -Wash Post

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump is being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for possible obstruction of justice, the Washington Post reports, citing unidentified officials. (USA-TRUMP/RUSSIA (UPDATE 1), moved, 329 words)

Philippines says arrests senior member of IS-backed Maute group

MARAWI CITY - The Philippines military says it has arrested one of the Maute brothers, a senior member of the Islamic State-backed militants it is fighting in a southern city. (PHILIPPINES-MILITANTS/ (UPDATE 2), expect by 0900 GMT/5 AM ET, 500 words)


Japan ruling bloc pushes through anti-conspiracy bill despite privacy concerns

TOKYO - Japan's ruling bloc enacts a law targeting conspiracies to commit terrorism and other serious crimes, pushing it through parliament's upper house despite concerns over civil liberties. (JAPAN-POLITICS/CONSPIRACY (UPDATE 1, TV), moved, by Linda Sieg, 487 words)

Cattle slaughter crackdown ripples through India's leather industry

AGRA - In the backstreets of Agra's Muslim quarter, where shoes have been made for centuries, small-scale manufacturers are firing workers and families cutting back on spending as a government crackdown on cattle slaughter ripples through the community. (INDIA-POLITICS/RELIGION (INSIGHT, PIX), moved, by Tommy Wilkes and Mayank Bhardwaj, 1,363 words)


May inches toward deal to stay in power as battle rages over Brexit

LONDON - British Prime Minister Theresa May edges closer to clinching deal to stay in power with support of Northern Irish kingmakers but faces battle over Brexit just days before divorce talks are to begin. (BRITAIN-POLITICS/ (UPDATE 3, PIX, TV), moved, by William James and Kylie MacLellan, 973 words)


EXCLUSIVE-U.S. expands presence in Syrian desert, rebels say

AMMAN - U.S. troops based in Syria's southeastern desert expand their footprint, rebels there say, increasing risk of direct ground confrontation between Americans and Iran-backed pro-government forces. (MIDEAST-CRISIS/SYRIA-USA (EXCLUSIVE, PIX), moved, by Suleiman Al-Khalidi, 799 words)


Turkish minister lands in Qatar aiming to help ease Gulf rift

ANKARA/DOHA - Turkey sends its foreign minister to Qatar as part of a drive to repair Qatar's rift with fellow Gulf Arab states. (GULF-QATAR/ (WRAPUP 4, PIX, TV, GRAPHIC), moved, by Ece Toksabay and John Davison, 675 words)


Fed raises rates, unveils balance sheet cuts in sign of confidence

WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve raises interest rates for second time in three months and says it will begin cutting its holdings of bonds and other securities this year, signaling its confidence in growing U.S. economy and strengthening job market. (USA-FED/ (WRAPUP 2, PIX, TV), moved, by Lindsay Dunsmuir and Howard Schneider, 718 words)

Cosby sex assault jury ends third day of without verdict

NORRISTOWN, Pa. - Jurors deciding comedian Bill Cosby's fate at his sexual assault trial delve into his accuser's account on their third day of deliberations. (PEOPLE-COSBY/ (UPDATE 3, PIX, TV), moved, by Joseph Ax, 454 words)


EXCLUSIVE-United States, Mexico, Slim charity to work on Central America crime, migration

MEXICO CITY - United States, Mexico and three Central American nations will this week unveil plans to work with billionaire Carlos Slim's charity to tackle crime in Central America and find new ways of slowing migration, according to draft document. (USA-IMMIGRATION/CENTRAL AMERICA (EXCLUSIVE, PIX), moved, by Gabriel Stargardter, 660 words)

Venezuela politician's 'disappearance' stirs Chavez home state

BARINAS, Venezuela - He had just left his office by car and was passing a church when state security vans swooped for Wilmer Azuaje. Since then, the 40-year-old regional lawmaker, one of best-known politicians in rural home state of former Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, has not been seen, one of 3,000 activists rounded up since anti-government protests began in April. (VENEZUELA-POLITICS/ARREST (PIX, TV), expect by 1200 GMT/8 AM ET, by Andrew Cawthorne, 580 words)

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)