The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls had defended burkini ban on Thursday, saying France was locked in a "battle of cultures" and that the full-body swimsuit symbolised the enslavement of women.


British author JK Rowling took to Twitter expressing her opinion contrary to that of France.

In her tweet, she was referring to Former head of state Nicolas Sarkozy's comment to the Figaro magazine. "The Burkini is a political act, a militant act, a provocation. Women who wear it are testing the Republic," he said.  Sarkozy joined the race for the presidential polls to be held in 2017 on Monday.

Burkini ban came to the forefront when photographs of armed police ordering Muslim woman on a beach in Nice to partially disrobe went viral on social media this week. The incident did not go well with Muslims across the globe.

However, in a parallel development, according to a BBC interview, Aheda Zanetti, the creator of burkini, claims that there has been a boost to the online sale of burkini by 200% due to the ban.

With agency inputs