Six Iranians were arrested on Tuesday for appearing in a cover version of the popular song 'Happy' by Pharell Williams. 


The youth were arrested for indulging in “obscene behaviour”, one of them said in a post online. Also, the three women seen in the video were not wearing head scarves as directed by the Islamic law in Iran. The men and women were seeing lip syncing and dancing, and imitating the original video to the song 'Happy' which is about spreading happiness.

Here's the video that landed them in the jail:

A disappointed Pharell Williams tweeted about the incident, “It's beyond sad these kids were arrested for trying to spread happiness”.

Interestingly, the arrest took place just days after Iran President Hassan Rouhani said that Iran must “embrace” the internet, and that the country should recognise the citizens' rights to connect to the World Wide Web.

The arrest drew widespread outrage globally, with even Iran's own president tweeting in solidarity.

He later showed support to them in a tweet which read “#Happiness is our people's right. We shouldn't be too hard on behaviors caused by joy.”

The three men and three women were released on bail on Wednesday, one day after their detainment. They were released on a bond of $ 1,00,000

People all over Twitter came out to support the youths and started tweeting with the hashtag #FreeHappyIranians and made it was a trending topic on the microblogging site on Wednesday.