Since the Independence of India, in 1947, the governance of Kashmir has been a hot topic of contention. Over time, it has grown into a problem which resulted in uncountable loss of lives, militancy and a malignant turf war between India and Pakistan.


The video, which debates the turmoil that Kashmir has faced, features Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor at the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), clarifying certain key points on the Kashmir agenda.

When certain points like plebiscite promised to the people of Kashmir and the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) going to Pakistan and collaborating with the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) to create the 'jihad narrative' to combat Russia during the Cold War were raised by a Fulbright scholar from Pakistan, Christine Fair took on each of his arguments while reprimanding him for partial knowledge.

The United Nations Security Council Resolution, which spoke of the plebiscite in Kashmir, has usually been partially iterated. What the scholar forgot to mention, since he had not read the resolution which Christine pointed out, was the fact that the resolution came in three 'sequential and conditional' parts.

The first was that Pakistan was required to demilitarise Kashmir completely. The second was, following Pakistan's demilitarisation, India was required to demilitarise the zone except for some defensive forces to tackle any preemptive attack.

If those two conditions were met, only then plebiscite would be allowed in Kashmir. Pakistan never met the very first requirement of the UN Security Council Resolution 47. Consequentially, the Resolution never worked out.

Taking on the argument of CIA's collaboration with ISI to raise terrorism and killing in the name of jihad, she reminded the scholar that, ISI was in fact founded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto which was used by him to further Pakistan's policies in Afghanistan.

Although some fair arguments were made, it was conspicuous that Professor Fair was significantly irked by the issues that the scholar raised.

Watch the video to get a clearer perspective on the situation, delivered by Carol Christine Fair, in a little over 6 minutes.