16-month-old Reed was left puzzled after dad's twin showed up for a visit and he couldn't tell who his real father is.


New Yorker Stephen Ratpojanakul posted the footage of his baby's reaction on Facebook, which has been viewed 16 million times.

In the video, we see baby Reed held by his father, who is standing on the left, but is then handed over to his uncle Michael standing on the other side. Confused Reed can't decide who is father is and so calls both 'Dada', while being shuffled back and forth into the arms of the twins.

This goes on for quite a while, until Stephen takes off Michael's glasses, but it doesn't help Reed solve the puzzle who reaches for his uncle and calls him 'Dada'.

Image Source: Youtube screengrab

Stephen told Buzzfeed, "Reed isn't used to me wearing glasses, and in his confusion he kept reaching back and forth between me and Michael."

He revealed that he posted the hilarious video for his friends, not knowing it would gain so much attention.

Interestingly enough Reed's mother Carroll is also a twin and they even tried the experiment with them. However, Stephen revealed Reed passed the test with "flying colours", telling Buzzfeed, “No matter how identical they are, a baby always knows his mama."

Check out Reed's bewildered reaction: