The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, lived up to her reputation of being cool and calm under crisis situations when an earthquake struck Wellington on Monday (May 25) while she was in between a live TV interview.


The capital city and its nearby areas were shaken up by a 5.8 magnitude earthquake while Ardern's live interview was underway.

The Kiwi PM was speaking on a TV interview at that moment live from the parliament building, called the Beehive.

"We’re just having a bit of an earthquake here, Ryan...," Ardern can be heard telling the host of the show Ryan Bridge, as she, the camera and other things around her shook.

"Quite a decent shake here...if you see things moving behind me. The Beehive moves a little more than most," she added.

Once the tremors stopped, Ardern did assure the host that she was fully safe and the interview resumed.

"We are fine, I'm not under any hanging lights and I look like I am in a structurally strong place," she added.


What is more surprising is that she managed to stay so calm during a situation like that and as soon as the video got out, it went viral instantly on social media.

However, the earthquake which lasted for 30 seconds didn't cause any damages or injuries as per reports but did cause panic in Wellington with several people in offices and homes rushing for cover.