What do you say to the God of Death? Not Today!-  Master swordsman Syrio Forrel tells Arya Stark after Lannister army comes after her in The Game of Thrones series. Just when we think it is the end of Arya Stark, she escapes from the Lannister army and survives.


In a similar incident, a lady in US  cheated death when her car took flight-mode from the seventh floor and the hurtled to the ground.

A horrifying footage of a BMW plunging to the ground from the seventh floor of a multi-storey car parking garage has gone viral. 

The dramatic footage released by Austin Police department shows the car plummeting to the ground, which luckily misses another vehicle, after driver hits wrong pedal. The driver accidentally accelerated instead of hitting break pedal.  The BMW nearly escaped smashing an SUV before tumbling into the ground.

Onlookers rushed to rescue the driver after the plunge and was rushed to the hospital. The lady in the driving seat suffered minor injuries and survived the dreadful accident.