The US military on Friday said it was "reasonably certain" that ISIS militant 'Jihadi John' was killed in its air strike in Syria, describing his death as a "significant" blow to the the Islamic State terror group.


"We are reasonably certain that we killed the target that we intended to kill, which is 'Jihadi John,'" Colonel Steven Warren, spokesman for the US military operation against ISIS, told Pentagon reporters in a briefing that was webcast live. However, it will take some time before it is confirmed that Jihadi John has been killed, he said. "It was a drone strike," he said. "The weapon system hit the intended target." Describing this as a routine strike, Warren said since March, the US-led international collation has killed on an average one ISIL leader every two day.

At the same time, he described this as a significant blow to the ISIS also known as ISIL. "Jihadi John was an ISIL celebrity. He was a recruiting toll for ISIL. So it s a significant blow to the prestige of ISIL. But Jihadi John was not a tactical figure in ISIL," he said. Mohamed Emwazi known as Jihadi John was British citizen.

He participated in the videos showing the murders of US journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, aid worker Abdul- Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages. In mid 20s, Emwazi, was identified as the mysterious knife-wielding man in the gruesome ISIL execution videos in February. He was dubbed Jihadi John by the British press because he was one of four British terrorists whom their prisoners named "the Beatles."

Said to be a computer science graduate who lived in west London before he left for Syria in 2013, Emwazi had been known to security services and was detained several times as long ago as 2009. Though interrogated several times, he was never arrested or charged.

Warren said the US has been tracking Jihadi John for quite some time. It was based in multiple intelligence capabilities. After the strike, the US is depending on same intelligence capabilities to confirm the death of Jihadi John.