The US needs to be "unpredictable" to defeat terror groups like Islamic State and take its enemies head on, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Thursday. "We're going to knock out ISIS so fast. And we have to be a little bit unpredictable. I have a specific thing, but we have to be a little bit unpredictable. I'm so tired of saying, we're going to attack from here and we're going to attack from....I don't want to talk about it. I want to just do it," Trump told Fox News in a Town Hall in North Carolina, which goes to primary polls on March 15."We have to knock them out," Trump reiterated amidst a large applause from the audience. To the surprise of political pundits, the real estate tycoon, who joined politics some nine months ago, has been drawing huge crowd across the nation.With primary wins in 14 states, Trump has 458 delegates the maximum so far from among the GOP candidates. To win the party's presidential nominee, he needs to have the support of 1,237 delegates out of a total of 2,472 delegates."I'm a conservative person. I'm very conservative in many respects, but I'm a conservative person, but I like to say a common sense conservative because I'm conservative on independence in energy. I'm very, very, very conservative on the border and on all of that," he said.Responding to criticism, Trump said he is in favour of free and fair trade. "I'm a free trader, just so you understand. But free trade has to go along with the word smart trade. I don't want to be a free trader, it's free on our side, but on their side, they're killing us, OK? Like China!" he said."And I have great relationships with China. And I made a lot of money in China. I've made a fortune in China dealing with China. And I don't blame China. I blame our leaders," Trump said, alleging that the US is subsidising China and protecting Japan."We actually subsidise China. We give them subsidies for certain things. You've seen that, too. It's sort of a little bit of a scandal. It's not a huge amount of money, but it's still money. We're subsidising things in China," he claimed."We protect Japan...If we're attacked, they don't have to do anything. If somebody attacks Japan, we end up in World War III. We have to go and fight for Japan, but they don't have to fight for us. I mean, this is the way it is. We take care of Germany. We protect Germany," Trump said."Now, the money we spend on our military is massive, and everyone says we spend 10 times more money than everybody else. But we're spending it to protect other nations. And many of those nations are very rich. They've got to pay up. We want their help. They've got to pay up, OK? They got to pay up," he said.