UNITED NATIONS: The UN Securitry Council on Saturday began consultations on a draft resolution agreed by the United States and France that calls for a "full cessation of hostilities" between Hezbollah and Israel.    

The resolution "calls for a full cessation of hostilities based upon, in particular, the immediate cessation by Hezbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations."   

The text further "reiterates ... strong support for full respect for the Blue Line" marking the border between Lebanon and Israel.   

US officials said UN Security Council action on the "fusion" draft may come early next week while one Israeli minister called it an "important first step" to ending violence that began July 12 with Hezbollah's abduction of two of Israeli soldiers.   

US President George W. Bush said through a spokesman that he was "happy" with the draft but an Israeli minister said the military campaign would continue until the resolution enters into force.