If you thought revenge porn was a bad problem, wait till you see this. An app called DeepNude takes the nightmare to a different level all together. The app can take a picture of any woman and 'undress' her to create a realistic looking fake nude image.


The app uses an algorithm based on neural networks and works only on pictures of women, according to a deep dive report by Vice. The report also said the image works better with pictures of women who are wearing clothes that show more skin.

The fake nude is automatically stamped the word in 'FAKE' in big red font. But, come on, really. How difficult is it going to be crop it out?

The app has two versions, a free one and a paid one which costs $50.

This is worse than revenge porn because a woman who has never ever shot a nude image is also under threat of having these fake images of her posted online.

"This is absolutely terrifying," Katelyn Bowden, founder and CEO of revenge porn activism organization Badass, told Vice. "Now anyone could find themselves a victim of revenge porn, without ever having taken a nude photo. This tech should not be available to the public."

The anonymous creator of the app, who only goes by the name Alberto, told Vice in an email conversation that he was a technology enthusiast who wanted to improve the algorithm used, and insisted that he did not create the app with malicious intent.

The fake nude pictures add another dimension to non-consensual porn, which took on a new avatar in the form of deepfakes, which are videos where a person's face is grafted onto a nude video.