Notwithstanding the terror attacks and threats, Indians posted in Afghanistan and working on various reconstruction projects are unwilling to return home leaving their tasks unfinished. This is the sense they gave when they interacted with national security adviser Shivshankar Menon here during his two-day visit that concluded yesterday.Meeting the officials of the Indian embassy, consulates and those engaged in reconstruction projects in Afghanistan was one of the first engagements of Menon when he arrived here to discuss security for about 4,000 Indians in this country in the aftermath of the February 26 attack. Menon asked them about their impressions about the security situation and how they felt, sources said.The staffers of the embassy and others engaged in developmental activities pointed to the dangerous situation, but nobody said they wanted to return home, the sources said.There was no response even when given an offer that if anybody felt scared and wanted to leave Afghanistan, it could be facilitated, the sources said. Menon appreciated their brave spirit of continuing their tasks despite the difficult conditions.Indians are working on a range of developmental projects which cover areas like infrastructure, power, healthcare, education and social sector. India has committed $1.3 billion in assistance to Afghanistan. Taliban and other associated terrorist groups, at the behest of their masters in Pakistan, have been making efforts by carrying out attacks and issuing threats to force India to wind up its reconstruction activities and leave Afghanistan.During his visit, Menon asserted that India would continue to fulfil its developmental commitments towards Afghan people, although there may be some adjustments in the way things are done."We have development assistance programme and a cooperation programme which is essentially an effort to work with our Afghan friends and to do the things that they wanted us to do. That will continue," he told reporters before winding up his visit here."We might adjust the way in which we do it but it is certain that our commitment to that developmental partnership will continue as it was," Menon said.


On the security aspect, he said Afghan authorities had assured that efforts would be made to strengthen protective measures for the Indians engaged in various reconstruction projects.