Two caucasian British nationals were among four militants killed in a US drone attack in Pakistan's lawless North Waziristan tribal region last week, according to media reports today.Security officials and Taliban sources were quoted by The News daily as saying that British nationals Stephen, 48, and Darry Smith, 25, were killed with two tribal militants when a CIA drone targeted a car in Dattakhel area of North Waziristan on December 10.Taliban sources confirmed the death of the two foreign fighters and said it was not the first time that foreigners were killed in North Waziristan.The Britons had converted to Islam a few years ago.Stephen assumed the name Abu Bakar while Smith was renamed Mansoor Ahmad. They came to North Waziristan in November 2009 and reportedly joined al-Qaeda.The British nationals were secretly buried at a graveyard for foreign fighters in Dattakhel town, which has witnessed numerous drone attacks in the past two years.The British media reported that the Foreign Office was investigating reports of the death of two "British al-Qaeda members".The foreign office said the British high commission in Islamabad was seeking further information.Britain's Guardian newspaper too reported that the Britons were using the pseudonyms Abu Bakar and Mansoor Ahmed.The daily said if the deaths are confirmed, the men would be the first white British converts to have been killed in the tribal belt.In September, British terror suspect Abdul Jabbar was killed in a drone attack in the tribal areas of Pakistan.The BBC reported Jabbar, who was of Asian descent, was being groomed to head an al-Qaeda splinter group in the UK and was tasked with preparing Mumbai-style commando attacks against targets in Britain, France and Germany.