BANGKOK: A functioning, interconnected tsunami warning system, put up in the Indian Ocean, is operating well, an official said here at a workshop sponsored by the of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) .

Representatives from the UN, Indian Ocean governments and other partners joined US government experts here to discuss the progress and continued priorities for completely establishing regional warning system capabilities.
Over the course of three years, since the 2004 tsunami, hundreds of national government agencies and international organisations had taken part in developing such capabilities and strengthening disaster management, said an statement issued by USAID, on Friday.

Delegates from Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and other countries including India reported that warning centres were now getting the information they needed, critical decision-making and communications protocols were in place.
"As a result of these efforts, people feel much safer than three years ago," said James F. Entwistle, deputy chief of mission of the US embassy.
USAID said the US government plans continued engagement in tsunami warning support activities in the region beyond March 2008, including the continued provision of tsunami bulletins from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre during tsunami events.
The workshop identified several sustainability challenges facing warning system efforts in the region.