India's demonetization and the new SC interim order of playing national anthem in the theatre, without a doubt has become a hot topic here and abroad. One of the stranger outbursts against demonetization came from a source few Indians are familiar with - Trevor Noah. 


The Daily Show's host  trolled India's struggle post demonetization in his segment. He said, "The money in everyone's pocket is going to become worthless, as worthless as Hillary inauguration tickets." Of course, this was factually incorrect, since old currency notes haven't become worthless and have the same value as earlier when deposited in a bank account. 

Sticking to the India theme, he also poked fun at the Supreme Court's decision to play and stand during National Anthem in the theatre before every movie to spread patriotism. . He added, “I just wanna see how long this goes. First they will make you hear before every movie, than at a grocery store..”  

Of course, it's a bit rich coming from Trevor, who hosts a show in a country that just elected a former reality star as President, a man whose vocabulary doesn't extend beyond the word 'fantastic' and threatens to derail years of bilateral relationships with a phone-call or two. But hey we don't judge. 

Watch the Trevor Noah video below: