Security forces have surrounded a Tibetan monastery in a tense region of southwest China after monks there demonstrated against Chinese repression, activist groups said on Monday.

They said Sunday’s demonstration occurred in the same area of Sichuan province’s Aba prefecture where a monk set himself alight last week to protest against China’s 58-year rule of the Himalayan region.

Tensions are high in Tibetan-populated areas ahead of the 50th anniversary on March 10 of a failed uprising against Chinese rule that led to revered spiritual leader the Dalai Lama fleeing into exile.

Several hundred monks at the Sey monastery in Aba staged the protest after Chinese officials banned prayers during a traditional Buddhist festival, the US-based International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) said, citing sources there.

“Several hundred monks marched from the monastery after officials banned them from praying, calling to be allowed to celebrate the Monlam prayer festival and for authorities to release all Tibetan prisoners,” the group said.

It said armed police had surrounded the monastery after the monks returned there and it was now likely to be under a lockdown, although it had no more information.

A woman resident  confirmed there was a protest. “Yes, monks protested yesterday morning. I don’t know what they wanted,” she said, declining further comment.

Several other locals reached by phone refused to comment when asked about the issue. Activist groups have reported that residents in Tibetan areas have been threatened with detention if they talk to foreign reporters.

The New York-based Students for a Free Tibet also reported on Sunday’s rally, saying that between 300 and 400 soldiers tried to stop the protest as the monks marched out of the monastery.

“The monastery is now sealed and there is a heavy military presence outside the main road,” the group said in a statement.

Government officials and police in Abe said they did not know of Sunday’s reported protest.

The Dalai Lama, other exiles and activist groups have reported a massive security build-up in Tibet and the neighbouring areas of western China with Tibetan populations, such as Aba, ahead of the uprising anniversary.

They have spoken of high tensions in those areas, with the Dalai Lama accusing Chinese authorities of trying to provoke Tibetans into demonstrating to justify a huge crackdown.