Hurricane Sandy was threatening to throw the final week of the US presidential election campaign into chaos on Sunday, as the storm interrupted schedules and risked damaging Democrat hopes of winning the battle to woo early voters.Both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama cancelled rallies over the weekend in Virginia in order to not divert police and emergency services from making preparations for the storm.Romney had been due to speak at three events in Virginia, a key swing state where the campaigns are tied in the polls, but instead diverted west to join his running mate Paul Ryan in Ohio where the pair pressed for votes in the state that could decide the outcome of the election on November 6.Obama, meanwhile, also cancelled an event in Virginia and scrapped plans to go to Colorado tomorrow in order to return to Washington to monitor events and oversee the disaster response.Politicians remain haunted by George W Bush's disastrously slow response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 when New Orleans was flooded - an event from which both his presidency and popularity ratings never fully recovered.Strategists suggested that the Democrat campaign stood to be worst affected by the hurricane since it could reduce the traditional Democrat advantage with early voters in swing states like North Carolina, Virginia and New Hampshire."The best thing we can do is focus on how we can help people during this storm and hope that it all clears out and that by the next weekend we'll be free of it and people can focus on the election, " David Axelrod, the Obama campaign chief strategist, told CNN.