US Republican party has nominated Donald Trump as their official presidential candidate in the bid to take the oval office back from the Democrats.


Trump's proposed policies for the USA are controversial and are not sitting well with a majority of the citizens. They are coming up with innovative ways to convince people not to vote for Trump-Pence campaign.

One such attempt was made in Hollywood on the Walk of Fame. Donald Trump's star on the sidewalk was surrounded with a 6" concrete wall and razor wire, reports

This artistic attempt was to mock Trump proposing to build a wall on the American-Mexican border to stop the illegal immigration.

Hollywood Walk of Fame is always bustling with the tourists and onlookers. It took no time for the image to go viral. Even artist Plastic Jesus put the image on Instagram captioning it, "Complete with "Keep out" signs and topped with razor wire. The unofficial addition to the iconic star appeared early Tuesday afternoon, to the amusement of onlookers."

(Photo Courtesy: Imgur)