MOSCOW: Russia's Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) will conduct more tests of new warheads for its intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) later this year, its commander said on Saturday.

"This year we will continue test and combat-training launches of new types of warheads for the Topol-M and Bulava sea-launched missile complexes," Colonel General Nikolai Solovtsov said.

He said previously a second missile battalion, equipped with advanced Topol-M (SS-27) road-mobile ICBMs, will be put on combat duty before the end of the year and that the deployment of silo-based Topol-M systems in the Saratov Region and road-mobile systems in the Ivanovo Region (central Russia) would be completed in 2010.

As of December 2006, the SMF operated 44 silo-based and three mobile missile systems.

Solovtsov said the Topol-M system would be equipped with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRV) in the next two or three years, adding that the new system would help penetrate missile defences more effectively.

His statement came against the backdrop of growing tensions between Moscow and the West regarding plans by the US to deploy elements of its global antiballistic missile defence system in Central Europe.

The general said the SMF would factor in the new threats. "If the US proceeds with missile defence plans, despite serious opposition from people in Europe, the Strategic Missile Forces will manage to take adequate measures to counter threats to Russia," he said.

The national defence programme envisions the deployment of Bulava-M sea-launched ballistic missiles on nuclear submarines. The missiles are expected to become the mainstay of the Russian Navy's strategic nuclear forces in decades to come.

The Russian armed forces commissioned more than 30 new types of advanced weapon systems in the first half of 2007, the defence minister said last month.

Anatoly Serdyukov said these weapon systems included the submarine-launched R-29RM Sineva ballistic missiles, the S-400 Triumf air defence complex, and the 120-mm Nona SM-1 towed mortar for Ground Forces.

Serdykov also said Russia conducted test launches of the Yarts land-based ballistic missile, the X-102 airborne missile, and a new version of the Iskander-M ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads, and launched two military reconnaissance and communication satellites.