Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation Saturday and vowed to defend the country and its people from an armed rebellion declared by mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin.Putin said the mutiny amounted to “a deadly threat to our statehood” and vowed “tough actions” in response.


“All those who prepared the rebellion will suffer inevitable punishment. The armed forces and other government agencies have received the necessary orders,” Putin said.

He called Prigozhin's actions, without referring to the owner of the Wagner private military company by name, “a betrayal” and “a treason."

He urged those who are being dragged into this crime not to make a fatal and tragic, unique mistake, to make the only right choice to “stop participating in criminal acts.”

Putin condemned the rebellion at a time when Russia was “fighting the toughest battle for its future” with its war in Ukraine.

“The entire military, economic and information machine of the West is waged against us,” Putin said.

“This battle, when the fate of our people is being decided, requires the unification of all forces, unity, consolidation and responsibility. An armed rebellion at a time like this is a blow to Russia, to its people” the president said.

“Those who plotted and organised an armed rebellion, who raised arms against his comrades-in-arms, betrayed Russia.”