President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration has been revealed to be very good business for many people including prostitutes and coke dealers.

There have been stories of people renting their homes for thousands, and T-shirt peddlers expecting about a years worth of wages for this one week.

But a survey conducted by New York Magazine found prostitutes in Washington DC to be the happiest especially with the business the inauguration is bringing in.

A pair of hookers have revealed that they already have 30 clients before January 21, and that they expect to make about 6,000 dollars total from them.

However, the hookers are not the only ones enjoying the easy cash, with cocaine dealers expecting to make big bucks as well.

A coke dealer even revealed that he expects a payday in the high five figures. 

"I've had people calling me about this for weeks," the New York Daily News quoted a dealer as telling the magazine.

"I just sold out. I gotta re-up," the dealer added.