In what may shock the British royal family, the maternal uncle of Prince William’s girlfriend Kate Middleton reportedly supplies illegal drugs and fixes hookers.

This has emerged after two News of the World reporters, posing as business people, were last weekend invited into Goldsmith's villa in Cala Jondal on the south of the island after meeting him at a nightspot.

The paper reports that the bald-headed 49-year-old braggart, brother of Kate's mum Carole, couldn't keep his mouth shut before its reporters, and stunned its team by doling out deadly cocaine and ecstasy.

He even offered to arrange door-to-door deliveries in the resort and in London.

The paper further claims that Goldsmith also introduced a pimp to supply 600 dollars-a-night vice girls.

Goldsmith even revealed how he greeted Prince William for the first time with an outrageous four-letter salute "Oi, you f***er!", when his niece and her royal boyfriend had stayed with him in 2006.

"My first words to Prince William were, 'Oi, you f***er! Did you break my glass pyramids?' He and a pal had been throwing balls around and broke all these ornamenal pyramids I had - loads of them," the News of the World quoted him as saying.

Goldsmith also boasted that William and Kate were due to revisit his crudely named La Maison de Bang Bang - French for House of Nookie - for a romantic break this summer; claimed that the couple would announce their engagement later this year; and joked that he would give the bride away.