ROME: Prime Minister Romano Prodi is one of the poorest men at the top of Italian politics, and even his spokesman made more than he did in 2005.   

Prodi, who spent much of that year laying the groundwork for his 2006 election campaign, made just 89,514 euros, according to income data released on Tuesday.   

That's less than his predecessor, Silvio Berlusconi, paid in taxes in just one week, on average. Comparing their total incomes, Berlusconi, a billionaire media tycoon, made 313 times more than Prodi.   

"Prodi won the 2006 elections, but in income declarations there was no contest," quipped Corriere della Sera newspaper on its website,   

Prodi's spokesman, Silvio Sircana, declared nearly three times the income his boss had last year, thanks to revenue from his previous high-paying public relations job at the state railways.   

Prodi is in for relatively tough times too in 2007, after he approved a belt-tightening budget that -- among other things -- cut his own salary by 30 percent to less than 90,000 euros.