Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday it was impossible to continue a peace process with Kurdish militants and urged parliament to strip politicians with links to "terrorist groups" of immunity from prosecution.His comments come days after the Turkish air force bombed camps in northern Iraq belonging to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), following a series of attacks on police officers and soldiers blamed on the Kurdish militant group.The PKK said the air strikes, launched virtually in parallel with strikes against Islamic State fighters in Syria, rendered the peace process meaningless but stopped short of formally pulling out. "It is not possible for us to continue the peace process with those who threaten our national unity and brotherhood,"Erdogan told a news conference in Ankara before departing on anofficial visit to China.Western allies have said they recognise Turkey's right to self-defence but have urged the NATO member not to allow peace efforts with the PKK to collapse. While deeming the PKK a terrorist organisation, Washington depends heavily on allied Syrian Kurdish fighters in battling Islamic State in Syria.An emergency NATO meeting in Brussels on Tuesday offered political support for Turkey's campaigns in Syria and Iraq, and Erdogan signalled Turkey may have a "duty" to become more involved. For NATO allies, the prospect of Turkey, which borders Iran,Iraq and Syria, fighting a domestic conflict against Kurdish as well as Islamist fighters is a deep concern. But for many in Turkey, Kurdish rebellion remains the primary national threat.Braving nationalist anger, Erdogan introduced tentative reforms on Kurdish rights and in 2012 launched negotiations to try to end a PKK insurgency that has killed 40,000 people since 1984. A fragile ceasefire had been holding since March 2013.However, any calculation Erdogan may have had that his political gamble would reap broad electoral support from Kurds, some 20 percent of the population, demonstrably failed. The pro-Kurdish HDP party won 13 percent of the vote in a June 7 poll, helping to deprive the AKP Erdogan founded of amajority in parliament for the first time since 2002.Many Kurds believe that by reviving conflict with the PKK, Erdogan seeks to undermine support for the HDP ahead of a possible early election. That poll - so runs the argument -could then provide him with the majority he seeks to change theconstitution and increase his powers.Turkey has shut down almost all Kurdish political parties over the years. Erdogan, who wants the AKP to win back a majority and has recently accused the HDP of links to the PKK,said he opposed party closures, but urged parliament to lift the immunity of politicians with links to "terrorist groups"."We have committed no unforgivable crimes. Our only crime was winning 13% of vote," HDP chairman Selahattin Demirtas told party members in parliament. "The only way for the AKP to be in government on its own is if the HDP is liquidated. Tomorrow the HDP's 80 lawmakers will submit a request for immunity to be lifted," he said,effectively challenging parliament to fulfil Erdogan's threat.SEEKING LEGITIMACYCasting the operations as a war on terrorist groups "without distinction", Turkey opened its air bases to the US-led coalition against Islamic State and launched air strikes against the jihadists in Syria and the PKK in northern Iraq last week.It has since been rallying international support."No steps back will be taken in our fight against terrorism.This is a process and it will continue with the same determination," Erdogan said, after phone calls overnight with French President Francois Hollande, the king of Saudi Arabia and the emir of Qatar.Presidential sources said all three leaders had expressed their support. But Western allies are also concerned that Erdogan should not abandon several years of work on a peace process with the PKK, which has entailed giving Kurds more cultural rights with the prospect, over time, of greater autonomy in the southeastern regions where they constitute a majority."Dangerous rhetorics in Turkey against HDP, which won 6 million votes in last elections. Time to face that reality," the European parliament's Turkey rapporteur Kati Piri wrote on Twitter. Some Kurdish activists have accused Erdogan of deliberately refraining from action in the past against Islamic State, seeing them as a counter-weight to Kurdish fighters. Such a policy,they say, led directly to last week's suicide bombing in southeast Turkey that killed 32 and has been blamed on the Islamist militant group.Turkish officials deny this and also reject the notion that the action against the PKK is motivated by domestic politics,pointing to a series of militant attacks on the security forces in recent weeks. On Monday, a gendarmerie major in the eastern province of Mus died after being shot by suspected PKK militants, while in the nearby province of Van a military unit came under fire.There have been more attacks since the air strikes began.Suspected PKK militants blew up a bridge late on Monday on a major highway in the southeast, while gunmen attacked a soldier in the town of Semdinli, triggering clashes. The military said the soldier later died, at least the fourth member of the security forces to be killed over the past week.