Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius had told a policeman off for touching 'another man's gun' and warned the officer that putting his fingerprints on the weapon would implicate him 'if anything happens', according to a testimony given by one of the Blade Runner's friends at court.The account of the incident that ended with Pistorius shooting his pistol through the sunroof of a moving car came from close friend Darren Fresco on the seventh day of his murder trial in Pretoria, South Africa.According to, Fresco told of being pulled over for speeding when driving to Johannesburg after attending a social function with Pistorius and Pistorius's then girlfriend Samantha Taylor.Fresco said that when he was talking to a policeman beside the car, Pistorius got out to see 'what was taking so long', adding that a second policeman saw Pistorius's pistol in the seat of the car, picked it up and 'cleared the firearm', taking the bullet out of the chamber.


Stating that Pistorius was furious, Fresco said Pistorius told the policeman that he cannot touch 'another man's gun', adding that when the policeman handed the gun back, Pistorius warned him he (the cop) would be liable if 'anything happens' as his fingerprints are all over his guns.

Fresco said after he and the first policeman had diffused the heated situation they continued to drive to Johannesburg where Pistorius wanted to speak to someone about a gun, adding that without prior warning, he shot out the sunroof. The evidence differs from the earlier testimony of Samantha Taylor, who said both men had been laughing and talking about shooting a 'robot' (traffic light) prior to the incident, the report added.