NEW YORK: An online entertainment network is organising a competition for Indian American short films in the run-up to the first Atlanta Indo-American Film Festival to be held in the second week of November.
Kaneva, which is rapidly emerging as an online social entertainment network, has announced that films in the Kaneva Indo-American Online Short Film Competition will be showcased, discussed and voted on by potentially millions of viewers worldwide.
The goal of this short film contest is to give filmmakers dedicated to Indian cinema a global outlet to showcase Indian Diaspora cinema, music and video, as well as give viewers unprecedented access to a wide variety of emerging independent films and the ability to tap into a growing community of Indian film enthusiasts, according to Kaneva.
"This online film competition demonstrates our mission of enabling anyone to share their talents and passions with the world," the release quoted Kaneva vice-president Ron Gamble as saying.
"Kaneva's innovative platform leverages the power of the Internet and the best in web 2.0 technologies to showcase people, their content, their ideas and their talents," he said.
Participation is free and submissions for the competition will be accepted till November 2, 2006.
According to its website, Kaneva is an online "canvas" where anyone can showcase and share their passions, interests and talents with the world.
The idea of Kaneva is to fuse self-expression through the creative sharing of media with the power of social networking.