The Omicron COVID-19 variant, which is described by many experts as the worst strain ever of the coronavirus, has several mutations from previous COVID-19 strains and many more that has the potential to make Omicron the most infectious and vaccine-resistant variant ever.


The Omicron has acquired the mutations of Delta variant, which became dominant variant across the world because it was highly transmissible.

The Omicron variant also includes the vaccine-resistant alterations seen on Beta variant of COVID-19. The new variant also has a drop-out mutation that allowed the Alpha variant to wreak havoc in the UK few months ago.

According to experts, Omicron has 32 mutations on its spike protein, twice as many as Delta. It is feared that Omicron would soon spread across the world.

Everything we know about the variant so far:

What is so worrying about Omicron?

According to experts, it is the 'worst variant they have ever seen'. The experts are worried over the number of mutations which Omicron carries. It is feared that the mutations may make COVID-19 vaccines 40 per cent less effective in a best-case scenario.

This is because so many of the changes on B.1.1.529 are on the virus's spike protein.

What mutations does Omicron variant have? 

The new COVID-19 variant has over 50 mutations and more than 30 of them are on the spike protein.  The new variant carries mutations P681H and N679K which are 'rarely seen together' and could make Omicron resistant to vaccine.

Is Omicron a variant of concern?

The World Health Organization has classified the virus as a ‘variant of concern’.

Where has the variant been detected so far? 

The variant has so far been spotted in South Africa, Botswana, Hong Kong, Israel, Belgium, UK, Germany and some other countries. 

In India, several states have taken steps to curb the spread of the new variant in the country. Some experts claimed that tight checks are needed to curb Omicron or else it will lead to third wave of coronavirus in the country.