Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to octuplets and the mother of fourteen children, has now launched a website asking donations from people to raise her kids.

The website,, invites the netizens to "meet the octuplets", to donate items, send wishes to the family of 15 and give money directly using a credit card.

Nadya gave birth to eight babies -- six boys and two girls on January 26 becoming only the second person in the US medical history to have delivered a set of living octuplets.

The website also features pictures of the eight babies and Nadya, whose whose finances have become a matter of national interest.

Suleman does not have a job, lives  with her parents and had USD 50,000 in student loans.

"We thank you for the love and good wishes sent to us from around the world. The octuplets arrived on January 26, 2009," Nadya says on the website.

"They are all healthy and growing stronger day by day," the website says.

"We thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Unmarried Nadya conceived all 14 of her children through in vitro fertilisation and has been obsessed with having children since she was a teenager.

Angela Suleman, mother of Nadya, had said that she took care of other six children, ages 2 through 7, at the family home in Los Angeles when her daughter was in the hospital for delivery.

Suleman has insisted in interviews with NBC that she will be able to support her 14 kids without government assistance.

She said she could get by for a while on student loans and that she could support her family as soon as she finished graduate school.