Barack Obama's trip to India next month would be his longest stay overseas in a country as US president, which reflects the importance he attaches to building strategic relationship between the two largest democratic countries of the world.
Obama is expected to travel to India in the first half of November, the schedule of which has not been announced yet.
Inkling the length of his stay in India came from assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia, Robert Blake in his address to the Baltimore Council on foreign affairs.
Obama's India visit "will mark his longest stay anywhere outside the US" Blake said in his speech to the Baltimore-based think tank.
Informed sources in the Administration said that Mumbai is likely to be the first stop of the US president, wherein he is expected to address a business summit of American and Indian corporate leaders besides attending events commemorating 26/11 on November 6.
Obama is most likely to travel to Amritsar and visit the sacred Golden Temple on November 7 for a day trip and reach New Delhi the same night.
His official meetings with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, are believed to have been scheduled for November 8.
"I don't want to scoop the president, and since we're still in the planning stages for a large number of big-ticket items, I don't want to jump the gun," Blake said.
"But I can give you the broad outline of how we envision the visit will frame the strong US -India partnership, and how specifically this holds great benefits for Americans," he said in his speech.