NEW YORK: The visible signs of the NYPD in subway stations, the Jewish museum in Battery Park City and other tourist hotspots like Time Square was unmistakable.

Then the New York Post confirmed that the boys in blue had indeed stepped up patrolling because the Hezbollah terror group — one of the most dangerous in the world — may be “planning to activate sleeper cells in New York and other big cities” to stage an attack as the nuclear showdown with Iran heats up.

The FBI and Justice Department have launched urgent new probes in New York and other cities targeting members of the Lebanese terror group, reported the US daily on Monday. Law-enforcement and intelligence officials told The Post that “about a dozen hard-core supporters of Hezbollah have been identified in recent weeks” as operating in the New York area. 

Sources told the paper that the activities of these New York-based operatives are being monitored by FBI counter-terrorism agents as part of “a nationwide effort” to prevent a possible terror strike if the “confrontation with Iran over its nuclear programme spins out of control.”

“Additional law-enforcement attention is being centred on the Iranian Mission to the United Nations, where there have already been three episodes in the last four years in which diplomats and security guards have been expelled for casing and photographing New York City subways and other potential targets,” reported the paper.

There were reports that Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with leaders of Hezbollah and other terror groups during a recent visit to Syria. Iran and Syria are counted as key supporters of the Hezbollah by the US.

The daily stressed that US officials were maintaining that there is no intelligence information pointing to an imminent attack.