No motive has been established behind the killing of worshippers in a Gurdwara here even as the police is looking at it as a possible hate crime, a top US city law official said today.


"As far as I know, no motive has been established," Lawrence J Haskin, City Attorney here said.

Asked if the police was also looking at the Sunday incident being a hate crime instead of just treating at as "domestic terrorism," Haskin told PTI, "My understanding is, that is being looked at."

The remarks came as the FBI and the local police arrested Misty Cook, the former girlfriend of the slain 'neo-nazi' gunman, after a weapon was found from her house.

On Sunday, former army psychological operations specialist Wade Michael Page killed six Sikh worshippers during morning prayers in a Gurdwara before he was killed by police.

Meanwhile, US media reports say investigators warn that that Page's motive may never be known.

"We may end up with just a lot of facts on what he is involved with, who he may be associated with, but we may never know that motive, because he died, and that motive died with him," Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards was quoted by CNN as saying.

Although detectives are following up leads in several states, law experts quoted by the media feel that their findings might never be presented in court.

At the moment investigators are sifting through the life of Page, assembling the biodata of a man, who apparently has few relative and friends, a patchy work life and a thin criminal record.