Prime Minister Narendra Modi's flight could have crossed the same corridoor as where the MH17 flight was shot down. The Hindu reported, that Torez, the site of the crash is some 40 kms away from Russia border in Unkraine. After taking off from Frankfurt at 1122 gmt, Modi's fight would reach the air zone at around 0130 gmt. The Mh17 flight was shot down an hour earlier.


The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur and had 298 people on board. Reports also say that it was a ground-to-air missile or surface-to-air missile that shot down the plane. This area has been a warzone between Russia and Ukrainian rebels for few weeks now. 

All flights crossing Europe have to take two air corridoors in the region: the Lviv FIR, and the Simferopol FIR. Now the Simferopol FIR is now contested after Russia took control over Crimean region of Ukraine. Though United Nations officially said the right over Simferopol still belonged to Ukraine, Russia was not happy with this. In the midst of this conflict,  he United Nations issued a warning to avoid the FIR as two controlling agencies fighting over it could raise questions on its safety.

Torez falls under the Lviv FIR that even Modi's flight would have had to use, the newspaper report concluded. 

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