Former Miss Alaska Maryline Blackburn, who had beaten Sarah Palin for the crown in 1984, is to perform at two inaugural balls to be held on January 20 in Washington, D.C.

Blackburn, who became a professional singer, plans to celebrate Barack Obama's ascension to the presidency with gigs at swanky bashes hosted by star musicians Ludacris and Dionne Warwick.

"I'm just so excited," The New York Daily News quoted Blackburn as saying in between rehearsals on January 19.

"Once again I'm part of history," she stated.

Blackburn saw an increased profile during the presidential race thanks to her connection to Palin - and the exposure has (literally) paid off.

"People have been trying to figure out, 'Who is this woman?' I've gotten tons of e-mails and CD sales have gone up," she said.

"Now I'm singing for this wonderful man who will be our next president," she said.

Despite their Miss Alaska connection, Blackburn was not rooting for Palin during the election.

"It was all about Obama, baby," she added.

Blackburn is scheduled to belt out three tunes alongside artists such as George Clinton, Eve and Fantasia Barrino Tuesday night.